Saturday, October 27, 2018

Q&A - Did you experience spirit presence as a child? How did that affect your life?

Q&A - 

Q - Did you experience spirit presence as a child? How did that affect your life?

A -Since birth I was aware of my spirit guides and despite attempts from my parents to stop it, I ignored them. I'm glad I did as I have an interesting, multidimensional life.
For a time after my NDEs I had a 'practice' period but quickly realized I did not wish to go full-time and publicly into any form of mediumship, reserving the gift exclusively for family and clients by asking my guides to be gatekeepers. I usually send individuals to reputed mediums if they need it as my interests lie in other metaphysical fields such as education through entertainment, primarily the written word.
How it influenced my childhood - I learnt early on that I'm 'different' and that it was okay as long as others did not find out. This led to pretending a lot and acting skills to be able to blend into my environment, especially between people.
Today I prefer a more secluded lifestyle where I can just be who I am without being judged.