Thursday, December 20, 2018

Journeys of a Psychic: The Nayakteale - Servant of the Creator

The Nayakteale - Excerpt from Saving Leilaka
"Hanuman, you are what we call in some circles a Nayakteale, a Prophet, a Servant of The Creator, a Leader amongst mortals" he told me in a tone of voice that clearly stated that I should have remembered this about myself.
"You know that The Creator will never abandon His Children. He will always provide someone to come up with a miracle. Someone who is able to lead them into new ways of being. Someone who can open their minds, make them aware of different ways of existence.
It has always been your function to save the physical, or the spiritual, the intellectual, or any other aspect of Life.
Hanuman! You have always been used as the tool of change, as the servant, as the saviour. And yes, you even had to sacrifice your very life for The Creator's Children to live their lives to the fullest of their capabilities."
Copyright © H Gibson Chronicles of Han 2009-2017